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Call us: 07806525256

Plantar Aspects Foot Health Clinic is a MOBILE CLINIC run by a registered foot health professional who is also an experienced registered general nurse (RGN, MCFHP, MAFHP)
If you cannot reach your toenails to cut them or have poor eye sight or suffer from ill-health, we can help.
If your feet are painful and they are limiting your activities, we can help.
If you are suffering from corns, calluses, ingrown toe nails, athlete's foot, diabetic foot, warts, cracked heels, fungal nails, we can help.
All treatments will be in the comfort of your own home. We are here to help.
Our feet spend most of their lives constricted in shoes, more often than not, poor fitting shoes. Feet carry our bodies, act as shock absorbers and rigid levers for propulsion; they enable us to walk, run, exercise and dance. However, we take them for granted. We forget that they need to be cared for and nurtured for them to perform their functions.
Old age, deformity and trauma can affect the function of feet resulting in a variety of symptoms such as calluses, corns, fissures and pain. Pain can have a disabling impact on the patient. It can cause disruption of the bio-mechanical function of the foot. Self cutting of corns or calluses can lead to infection. Plantar Aspects Foot Health Clinic is a mobile practice which specialises in the treatment of minor foot disorders in people's own homes and offers high quality care to patients. The clinic adheres to infection control policies to combat the transmission of pathogens. Instruments are sterilized in accordance with health and safety legislation.

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